Bigquery Between Dates Inclusive (2024)


When it comes to analyzing large datasets, BigQuery stands as one of the most powerful and versatile tools available. Within BigQuery, the ability to filter data based on specific dates is essential for gaining valuable insights. In this article, we will explore the concept of "BigQuery between dates inclusive" and delve into the techniques that enable us to extract the data we need accurately and efficiently.

Understanding Date Filtering in BigQuery

  1. Defining the Scope with Dates

    • Understanding the importance of date filtering in data analysis.
    • Recognizing the need for inclusive date ranges in comprehensive data retrieval.
    • Exploring the benefits of using BigQuery to handle date-based queries.
  2. Leveraging the BETWEEN Operator

    • Introducing the BETWEEN operator as a powerful tool for date filtering.
    • Explaining the syntax and usage of the BETWEEN operator in BigQuery.
    • Demonstrating how to specify inclusive date ranges using the BETWEEN operator.

Applying Date Filtering in BigQuery

  1. Filtering by Date Range

    • Identifying the data field that contains the dates to be filtered.
    • Specifying the start and end dates for the desired date range.
    • Constructing a query using the BETWEEN operator to filter data within the specified date range.
  2. Inclusive Date Filtering Techniques

    • Utilizing the DATE function to extract precise dates from timestamps.
    • Incorporating the TIMESTAMP_TRUNC function to round down timestamps to the desired granularity.
    • Combining the DATE and TIMESTAMP_TRUNC functions to create inclusive date filters.
  3. Considerations for Large Datasets

    • Addressing potential performance issues when filtering large datasets.
    • Optimizing query performance by utilizing partitioning and clustering in BigQuery.
    • Implementing best practices for efficient date filtering in BigQuery.


In conclusion, mastering the art of date filtering in BigQuery opens up a world of possibilities for data analysis and insights. By understanding the concept of "BigQuery between dates inclusive" and employing the powerful tools and techniques discussed in this article, you can extract the precise data you need and unlock valuable information hidden within your datasets. So, put your newfound knowledge into practice, and let BigQuery guide you towards data-driven success.


  1. Q: Can I use the BETWEEN operator to filter dates in other databases?

    • A: Yes, the BETWEEN operator is widely supported across various database systems, making it a versatile tool for date filtering.
  2. Q: Can I filter dates based on different time zones in BigQuery?

    • A: Absolutely! BigQuery allows you to specify time zones when filtering dates, ensuring accurate results based on your desired time frame.
  3. Q: How can I filter dates that include both the start and end dates?

    • A: By using the BETWEEN operator with the inclusive start and end dates, you can filter data that falls within the specified range.
  4. Q: Is it possible to filter dates based on specific hours or minutes in BigQuery?

    • A: Yes, BigQuery offers various functions, such as EXTRACT, to extract specific components like hours or minutes from timestamps for precise date filtering.
  5. Q: Are there any limitations to date filtering in BigQuery?

    • A: While BigQuery provides powerful date filtering capabilities, it's important to consider query performance when working with large datasets. Partitioning and clustering can help optimize performance in such cases.

Remember, mastering date filtering in BigQuery empowers you to extract valuable insights and make data-driven decisions. So, dive into the world of "BigQuery between dates inclusive" and unlock the full potential of your data analysis endeavors.

1. BETWEEN BigQuery How To Guide - Blog

  • 13 dec 2021 · Google BigQuery between dates inclusive. ​​Both the start and finish values are included when using the Between operator. It is possible to use ...

  • Check out the theory and practice of how to use the BETWEEN operator in BigQuery, as well as its pros and cons.

2. Operators | BigQuery - Google Cloud

  • Array subscript operator · Bitwise operators · IN operator

  • GoogleSQL for BigQuery supports operators. Operators are represented by special characters or keywords; they do not use function call syntax. An operator manipulates any number of data inputs, also called operands, and returns a result.

3. SQL Dates & Times | BigQuery Syntax and Examples -

  • In BigQuery, dates and times can be one of the following datatypes: DATE : calendar date (e.g. 2020-01-01). DATETIME : calendar date and ...

  • Everything you need to know about SQL Dates and Times in BigQuery. BigQuery offers no shortage of functionality to help you get the most out of date and time data.

4. Working with the SQL BETWEEN operator - dbt Docs

  • 21 dec 2023 · The SQL BETWEEN condition allows you to specify a range of numerical, date-type, or text values to filter rows on in a query.

  • The SQL BETWEEN condition allows you to specify a range of numerical, date-type, or text values to filter rows on in a query.

5. Functions, operators, and conditionals | BigQuery - Google Cloud

  • Returns an array of dates. The start_date and end_date parameters determine the inclusive start and end of the array. The GENERATE_DATE_ARRAY function accepts ...

  • This topic is a compilation of functions, operators, and conditional expressions.

6. BigQuery Date Functions: timestamp, datetime, date_diff - PopSQL

  • How to Query Date and Time in BigQuery · Get the date and/or time right now: · Find rows between two absolute timestamps: · Find rows created within the last week:.

  • Unlock the power of date and time queries in BigQuery with our comprehensive guide. Discover how to filter data by specific date ranges, extract timestamp details, convert to Unix timestamps, and calculate time differences efficiently.

7. BETWEEN predicate - jOOQ

  • Note the inclusiveness of range boundaries in the definition of the BETWEEN predicate. ... -- ACCESS, ASE, AURORA_MYSQL, BIGQUERY, DB2, DERBY, DUCKDB, FIREBIRD ...

  • jOOQ, a fluent API for typesafe SQL query construction and execution.

8. Practice Marketing Analysis Request Writing with BigQuery - OWOX BI

  • 27 okt 2020 · Returns the difference between the timestamp1 and timestamp2 dates. ... Takes values from 1 to 12 inclusive. YEAR(timestamp), EXTRACT(YEAR FROM ...

  • Learn how to aggregate data and work with dates, strings, and subsets using GBQ functions. Practice writing basic queries on demo data.

9. Write and run queries | Ads Data Hub - Google for Developers

  • 6 sep 2023 · date. The start date (inclusive) for the query job. A user-defined parameter with this name will be ignored and replaced with the values set ...

  • Parameters make queries more flexible. For example, you may want to run the same query over different campaigns. Rather than making duplicate queries or hardcoding the campaign IDs before each execution, you can configure a parameter that accepts one or more campaign IDs to be entered from the Run card when you run a query. Using parameters keeps your code clean, reduces your chances of introducing errors through editing, and makes it possible for your query to be reused without editing. Parameters are scoped to the query where they are created, so you can reuse a parameter name in another query.

10. Set report date ranges - Looker Studio Help

  • Configure the timeframe and comparison periods in your reports.The 2 ways of controlling the timeframe in your reports are: Setting the date range property ...

  • Configure the timeframe and comparison periods in your reports.The 2 ways of controlling the timeframe in your reports are: Setting the date range property for one or more components, the current

11. DATE queries using BETWEEN - Ask TOM

  • ... inclusive dates from Jan 1st 2002 to Jan 17th 2002): WHERE 1=1. AND dt_col BETWEEN TO_DATE('01-jan-2002','dd-mon-yyyy') AND TO_DATE('17-jan-2002','dd-mon ...

  • DATE queries using BETWEEN Tom:1. I had a problem with a date query using the operator 'between'.WHen I doSelect * from table where date is between '01-JAN-02' and '17-JAN-02'it does not give me the records marked with a date '17-JAN-02'I have to change it to '18-JAN-02' to get those.I thought the be

12. GENERATE_DATE_ARRAY function in Bigquery - SQL Syntax and ...

  • GENERATE_DATE_ARRAY Description. Returns an array of dates. The start_date and end_date parameters determine the inclusive start and end of the array.

  • GENERATE_DATE_ARRAY function in Bigquery - Syntax and Examples

13. expect_table_row_count_to_be_...

  • PostgreSQL. MySQL. MSSQL. Trino. Redshift. BigQuery. Snowflake. Expectation Type: Core BatchExpectation. Description. Expect the number of rows to be between ...

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14. APIs Explorer - Google for Developers

  • The Cloud Channel API enables Google Cloud partners to have a single unified resale platform and APIs across all of Google Cloud including GCP, Workspace, Maps ...

  • The Google APIs Explorer is is a tool that helps you explore various Google APIs interactively.

15. Beekeeper Studio: The SQL Editor and Database Manager Of Your ...

  • Easily save and organize commonly used queries so you can use them again and again across all your connections. ... Inclusive - We are 100% inclusive and have ...

  • Use Beekeeper Studio to query and manage your relational databases, like MySQL, Postgres, SQLite, and SQL Server.

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Bigquery Between Dates Inclusive (2024)
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